The OBE Web Design System is a collection of web technologies to advance what both ameturs and pros can accomplish on a web page together.


The Online Business Engineer's Web Design System

OBE:WDS is the world's first self-reflexive web design system (it's currently called OBE:BS4, but that's going to change in the near future).

It's self-reflexive, because it provides the interfaces and tooling workflows needed to rapidly customize itself, which in turn allows teams to use the same base generated code base to build and maintain infinetly complex web applications!

It's built to extend Bootstrap 4's amazing SASS code base, comes with integrated Prism.js and jQuery DataTables tech along with custom JSON settngs tooling, and generates a static HTML reference library with Gulp.js and Mozilla's Nunjucks.


Molecular Components

The OBE:WDS Molecular Components add-on is a pure JavaScript ES Modules project built to compliment the OBE:WDS (OBE:BS4) Web Design System for rapid modern JavaScript development.

With a design-flexible and deeply configurable interactive and static content component architecture, OBE:WDS Molecular Components give super powers to teams that are leveraging the development and prototyping possiblities that present themselves when using ANY Atomic CSS Class driven Web Design System.


The Atomically Designable Content Management System

OBE:CMS is a web application framework that's a perfect fit with Atomic CSS Class Web Design Systems like OBE:WDS (OBE:BS4). It's built on top of CodeIgniter 3 (PHP), and comes integrated with Ion Auth 2 authentication and OBE:WDS (OBE:BS4) along with various features like analytics, page designer SPA's, and benchmarking, advanced inheritince, extremely DRY code base, etc.

But instead of being a WordPress-like CMS, this system seeks to create a permanent layer of abstraction and customization between a page author's content, and the "design" of said content. This means that content and it's layout can be "designed" as needed, and inherently from any device, by using editors that eschew the WISYWIG approach, for a modular block-level content component approach.

In the end, page authors are given unprecidented control of their content while simplyfying the inherent challenges of responsive web design. And when used with an Atomic CSS Class Web Design System, page authors can truly customize their content as needed and all without any pro designers or developers.